Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Newsletter: October 16-29

Reading Workshop: Nonfiction Unit of Study
We continue to examine the different text structures authors use to present information. The five text structures we are focusing on are description (main idea/supporting detail), chronological order, problem-solution, cause and effect, and compare and contrast. We continue to practice summarizing big ideas, and will begin to work on using evidence from multiple texts to support our thinking in written responses.

October Book Clubs will come to end next week. We will have our final meeting on October 23 to discuss each book's ending, how characters changed throughout the story, and lessons we have learned from the choices characters made.

October Genre of the Month: Literary Nonfiction
This month, students will be expected to read and summarize at least one literary nonfiction book as part of our Forty Book Challenge. During the month of October, they are asked to read their selected book and complete a brief summary/reader's response in their Reader's Notebook. All entries should be completed in their Reader's Notebook and turned in to Mrs. Cioni no later than October 31. Be sure to take a moment and ask your child how this style of writing differs from September's Genre of the Month, reference nonfiction.

Writer's Workshop: Personal Narrative
We had a wonderful celebration of student writing last Friday. There was a lot of variety in story types the students chose to write- personal narrative, literary nonfiction, reference nonfiction, fantasy, and adventure, and we loved the creativity of each piece. The students had a chance to read each other's stories and provide feedback to each writer. They are hanging in the hall for you to enjoy next week at conferences.

This week we begin the personal narrative unit, writing stories about our own experiences. We will model our stories after two memoirs- Childtimes: A Three Generation Memoir and The Moon and I.

Unit 3: Whole Number Multiplication and Division
In this unit, students will be learning to multiply by a 2-digit number. They will also be learning to divide by a 1-digit number. Students are asked to practice their basic facts every night for 5-10 minutes. There will be a quiz on multiplication on Friday, October 18, and a tentative quiz on division on Wednesday, October 23.

Advanced Math
Unit 3: Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers
In this unit, students will be learning to make equivalent fractions, and how to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers. Students can access additional practice of these skills on Matholia. The skills will be available on a "Unit 3 Task List" as we learn them in class.

Social Studies: A Tour of the Northeast
We begin our tour of the United States in the Northeast. This week we have been learning about the climate, geography, and landforms in this region. We have been discovering how people have adapted over time, and  how their culture, or way of life, developed based on the climate, landforms, and resources that surround them. Next week, we will be learning about life in a cotton mill, and how goods and services are produced using available resources. There will be a map quiz on the 11 states in the Northeast on Tuesday, October 22.

Upcoming Events...
October 18 Pumpkin Patch
October 21 Bus evacuation drill
October 22 Happy Birthday, Kalyna!
October 22 VIP/Book Talk: Kalyna
October 23 Friday Schedule
October 24-25 No School: Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 28 One Book, One School Skype with authors of Bob
October 29 VIP/Book Talk: Max
October 30 Math Club at lunch recess
October 31 Halloween parade and party