Friday, October 26, 2012

Weekly Reflection: October 26

Reporters: Maura and Lauren     Photographer: Will
Orchestra Hall
Waiting for the concert to start
Watching the Symphony of Doom perform

Symphony of Doom by Maura
Today our class went to Orchestra Hall. We listened to some pieces of music that we have listened to in music class. There was very pretty architecture on the ceilings and walls, and the music was great. There was acting and the music helped us picture what the mimes and actors were doing. We got to sit on the balcony and had a great view of the show! I thought that is was a very fun and exciting field trip!

 Testing to see if air takes up space
 Using the scale to measure soap in different states
What the soap looks like as a solid

4th Grade Science by Lauren
This week on Tuesday we had a science morning.  We spent the whole morning learning about matter. We were trying to prove that air takes up space, and that if you change the state of matter then it will not change its weight.  We found out that it won't because you are not adding or taking away from your solid, liquid, or gas.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekly Reflection: October 19

Reporters: Lachlan and Will      Photographer: Madison

Matter Investigations
Mad Scientists!
 We carefully recorded our observations.
 Working together, we discovered properties of matter.
In one investigation, we observed how different materials responded to being stirred.  This is dish soap.

What's the Matter? by Lachlan
In science this week we learned about matter. We had balloons filled with different things. We were identifying how it felt and what it smelt like. We opened the balloons and we found out what was in them. We looked at the color of it and we tried to see the little pieces of what made it. Then we stirred them and piled it in a cup. We tried to see it it would stay like that. We tried to see if it was like a solid, liquid or a gas.

The Year of The Dog by Will
This week for the Year of The Dog we finished reading the book. We wrote on the blog about whether or not Pacy would have found her talent if she had not got the award for the book she made. If one thing in the story hadn't happened, she might not have found her talent. I think that The Year of the Dog is a really good book and everyone should read it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Weekly Reflection: October 12

Reporters: Madison and Hannah    Photographer: Josh

Wacky Robot
(Pictures/Video taken on our new iPad2)

Wacky Robot Video

Wacky Robot by Madison
In science we made directions for a sandwich so we could see how exact a scientist has to be. We were supposed to make directions for a robot so we had to be super specific. Mrs. Cioni and Ms. Ford pretended to be the robot reading the instructions. If you didn't say in your directions "open the bread bag"they would go to the next set of directions. Only one person's directions got all the way through!  We wrote directions twice to make them better.

Field Museum Field Trip by Hannah
All the 4th graders were learning about Naive American tribes. So then we had a little fun at the Field Museum. We went inside a cool Pawnee Lodge and also saw a huge bison. We learned a ton.  See pictures of our field trip to the Field Museum of Natural History by clicking on this link.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Weekly Reflection: October 4

Reporters: Josh and Susie    Photographer: Grace

 Our class learning about pandas in Chinese class.
Our class singing a Chinese song.

Pandas Galore by: Susie
In Chinese class we watched a video about pandas. Pandas are from China. Pandas are xiao (small) when they are born, like a stick of butter.  They are da (big) when they get older.

Native American Real Estate by: Joshua
Yesterday, we  started our Native American project. We are moving a tribe we ( each group studied their own tribe ) studied to a new region and made keynotes on the old region, new region and adaptations in the new place.