Thursday, February 20, 2020

Newsletter: February 20-March 6

Reading Workshop: Fiction Unit of Study
Our final lessons of the Fiction Unit of Study will have us exploring the language and format of a play. Students will be identifying the tone and mood of a story, as well as conflict and tension. We will continue to practice our written responses to literature and making connections across texts.

Writing Workshop: Expository Nonfiction
In this unit, students have been learning research skills such as taking notes, categorizing information by subtopic, and conducting effective Internet searches. They have taken the information they gathered and written an expository text with features such as a table of contents, an engaging introduction and thoughtful conclusion, a glossary, a bibliography, and an author biography section. We are in the process of doing final edits and revisions this week and next. We will have a Writing Celebration to share our work with the other classes next Friday, February 28.

February Genre of the Month: Science Fiction or Fantasy
During the month of February, students have been reading their selected fantasy or science fiction book. Similar to our book clubs in January, students are to be recording their thinking using the "Notice & Note" sign posts. They can either record their thinking on Post-Its or right in their Reader's Notebook. If they are using Post-Its, they can just put the Post-Its in their Reader's Notebook when they are finished. No additional writing is required. All Reader's Notebooks are due no later than Friday, February 28.

Unit 8: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
In this unit, students have been learning to add and subtract decimals. They are asked to continue to practice their basic facts every night for 5-10 minutes. There is a test scheduled for Tuesday, February 25.

Unit 9: Angle Measurement
In this short unit, students will be learning to measure and draw angles to 180 degrees. There is a tentative test scheduled for Wednesday, March 4. 

Advanced Math
Unit 9: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Students will be learning to multiply and divide decimals. They will be applying these skills when converting metric measurements. There is a test scheduled for Wednesday, March 4.

Social Studies: Midwest/Illinois
We will conclude our study of the Midwest with a look at how agriculture in the Midwest has changed over the last 200 years, and how these changes and advancements in technology have impacted the economy of Illinois.

Upcoming Events...
February 17 No School: Presidents' Day
February 25 VIP/Book Talk: Leah
February 26 Math Club
March 2 Happy Birthday, Sara!
March 3 VIP/Book Talk: Sara
March 6 Report cards issued