Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Newsletter: December 2-20

Whole Class Novel Study: Project Mulberry
All 4th graders will be participating in a cultural novel study during the month of December. Our class will be reading Project Mulberry. We will be learning about cultural differences, perspective, character development, and crafting realistic fiction. Students will be asked to blog throughout the unit to share ideas and to practice communicating responsibly and respectfully in this type of forum.

Writing Workshop: Fictional Narrative
In this introduction to fictional narrative, students are learning to use knowledge gained through research to make a fictional story more realistic.  On Thursday, December 5, I will be sending home the directions and student-generated rubric for a writing project that will accompany Project Mulberry. Students will be asked to research a topic and write their own short story in the style of realistic fiction incorporating facts about their topic. Class time will be given for part of this project, but students will be expected to complete some of the work at home. Both parts of the assignment can be accessed through Google Classroom. A planning sheet will come home to help the students set goals and manage their time. Some may choose to do the whole project before winter break, while others may choose to use the time over break to work on it.  Task #1: Research will be due by Friday, December 13 and Task #2: Short Stories will be due when we return from break on Tuesday, January 7. 

December Genre of the Month: Historical Fiction
In December, students will be expected to read and summarize at least one historical fiction book as part of our Forty Book Challenge. During the month of December, they are asked to use their Reader's Choice time and at-home reading time to read their selected book and complete a brief summary/reader's response in their Reader's Notebook. All entries should be completed in their Reader's Notebook and turned in to Mrs. Cioni no later than Friday, December 20. 

Unit 6: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Students will continue to work with adding and subtracting fractions, and renaming whole numbers when adding and subtracting fractions. They will also learn how to rename improper fractions and mixed numbers. Students are asked to continue to practice their basic facts every night for 5-10 minutes.

Advanced Math
Unit 5: Algebra
In this next unit, students will learn about variables. They will learn to simplify algebraic expressions and to solve inequalities and equations.

Science: Energy Transfers
Our next science unit will focus on exploring energy in action and stored energy. We will be learning about the many forms of energy that exist all around us and how energy transfers are used to make machines work. Our first test will be on Thursday, December 19.

Upcoming Events...
December 3 Reading MAP Testing at 9:10 AM
December 3 ICTM Math Contest #1 for Individuals
December 4 Happy Birthday, Oliver!
December 5 Happy Birthday, Anthony!
December 5 ICTM Math Contest #1 for Teams
December 10 Math MAP Testing at 9:10 AM
December 10 VIP/Book Talk: Oliver
December 17 VIP/Book Talk: Anthony
December 18 Math Club during lunch recess
December 19 Hour of Code
December 19 Math Day guest speakers
December 20 Reading Buddies
December 23-January 3 No School: Winter Break
January 6 Classes resume