Friday, September 28, 2018

Weekly Reflection: September 28

Reporters: Cici and Grace
Photographer: Evan

River table with 3 holes testing how more water affects the shape of the river.

Can you see what I see? 4 bowling pins, a paper clip, 2 airplanes, a rocket ship, a golden sun, 2 skies of blue, a bird that sings cock-a-doodle-do! We finished this 300 piece puzzle today!! We've been working on it for 3 weeks. Good job, 4-3!

This week in class...
This week in science we did river tables. There were three groups. Control, slope, and amount of water. Control was the group with all the normal variables. It was the group where all the other groups compared theirs too. Slope was the group that had four history books under it. The amount of water was the group that had three holes in their cup. All three rivers made a delta.  

We also learned about non-fiction a text features. We all got to choose a reference non-fiction book. We had to find headings in our book. Then we did a scavenger hunt to locate other text features.