Thursday, November 13, 2014

Field Museum 2014

Reporters: Caden and Grant

Field Trip to the Field Museum

 Mrs. Cioni's Class
 Patton 4th Grade

Mrs. Cioni's Class

On Monday we had a field trip to the Field Museum! We had a tour and saw a bunch of awesome things. First we headed over to the Early America section. We learned about different Native American tribes. We saw a giant bison. Then, we went in an actual Native American house. It was called the Pawnee lodge. They told us about how the Native Americans lived in the lodge. Next, we learned about the bison hunt. There were lots of cool clay models that showed us what it looked like. After that, we were able to see a bunch of Native American artifacts. We took pictures of the artifacts and wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Then, we went to eat lunch. After lunch, they took us to the mummy exhibit. There, we saw mummies and some cool replicas. We also got to see Sue the T-rex! We learned about how the elephants are becoming endangered because people are hunting them for their tusks. We also saw Sue's actual head! We had the best day ever!

Fun facts:
The real head of Sue is so heavy (600 pounds) that they put it in a glass case and couldn't put it on the real model!

Native American children didn't go to school, instead they had to help do chores.

One bison could feed a person for one whole year!

Many families lived in the lodge at once.

In the lodge, they always had a fire burning, yet not many houses burned down.

No one has ever found a left hand of a t-rex.

Only two right hands of t-rex's were ever found.

The person who found Sue was named Sue. That's how Sue got her name.

More elephants are being born with no tusks.

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